Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Treaty of Versailles Essay - 1924 Words

Paris 1919 brought a political move that would alter history in ways its creators never foresaw. The Treaty of Versailles, written at the Paris Peace Conference by the Big Four allied nations, officially ended World War I and stated the terms of settlement. Representatives from the United States, Britain, France, and Italy made up the Big Four: Woodrow Wilson, David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, and Vittorio Orlando respectively. Although Orlando eventually walked out because he wasn’t getting everything he wanted (Meyer 610). These four men each had his own ideas of what the treaty would entail and what the repercussions for the war would be. Britain had already accomplished what it set out to by the end of the war, so Prime Minister†¦show more content†¦What happened was an unsuccessful conference and a treaty that blamed Germany for the entire war. At the Paris Peace Conference an original 37 powers came together and sought solutions to settle things not just in Europe but in the whole world. Instead a series of events led to massive tension between countries. First, Italy, who was given more land than originally promised, â€Å"indignantly packed up and returned to Rome† when it was denied Fiume in Croatia (Meyer 612). Italy had emerged from the war stronger than ever before and saw no reason to stay on good terms with Britain and France since it had no threatening neighboring countries (612). However, its democracy had become shaken during the war, and it cleared the way for Benito Mussolini (612). Second, Japan, who prospered economically during the war with trade, asked for an â€Å"‘equality clause’ that would declare discrimination on the basis of race to be unacceptable†(612). Nevertheless, Wilson and Australia objected because neither or them accepted Asian immigrants and Japan dismissed the West completely after that. Thirdly, when Smyrna, an Aegean port city, was given to Greece, Mustafa Kemal led a T urkish nationalist movement that lasted until Smyrna was taken away from the hands of Greece. Lastly, Britain and France divided land inShow MoreRelatedThe Treaty Of Versailles Treaty1188 Words   |  5 Pagesthe defeat of the Central Powers (German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, and the Russian Empire) and the signage of the Versailles Treaty. This treaty along with the League of Nations was created to prevent another global crusade from happening again, but failed and led to World War II, which started only twenty years after the Treaty of Versailles was endorsed. And even with end of the Great War, it was evident that the world would never return to how it once was, four years earlierRead MoreThe Treaty Of The Versailles Treaty Essay1604 Words   |  7 Pages1.A) Source A believes that the cause of hostilities in poland were the direct result of British actions. 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