Friday, August 21, 2020

The Hand-in Assignments

Untitled Document 1 of 4 https://elearning. uol. ohecampus. com/bbcswebdav/foundation/UKL1/C†¦ WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENTS Print Page Use the connections underneath to hop legitimately to the related data. Turn in Assignment Individual Project HAND-IN ASSIGNMENT Hand-in Assignments are one route for you to show your learning. The Hand-in Assignments give a chance to apply ideas and techniques to a real setting. Regularly, Hand-in Assignments are composed papers or PC programs that are submitted to the Instructor.They expect you to arrange data from the week by week Learning Resources, the Discussion and your own encounters to address an issue from the point of view of a true circumstance. Except if in any case noticed, the papers you write in Hand-in Assignments must follow Harvard Referencing Style reference and reference rules. You should present your responses to the accompanying Hand-in Assignment (HA) inquiries before the finish of Day 7 (Wednesday). Answers will be submitted to the week by week Assignments zone, however are not to be posted in the module Discussion Board. Question 1 Activity Mean durationStd. dev. (days) A 11 0. 9 B 13 1. 1 C 7 0. 2 D 9 0. 8 E 6 1 F 7 1. 2 G 10 0. 7 H 9 0. 6 11/04/2013 9:52 AM Untitled Document 2 of 4 https://elearning. uol. ohecampus. com/bbcswebdav/foundation/UKL1/C†¦ I 8 0. 8 Table 1 Complete the accompanying: 1. Ascertain the venture fulfillment time. 2. Show the basic way exercises. 3. What is the likelihood of finishing this task somewhere in the range of 38 and 40 days? 4. What are the leeway esteems for exercises C and F? Decipher the significance of their leeway esteems? Question 2 An enrolled nurture is attempting to build up an eating routine arrangement for patients.The required healthful components are the absolute every day prerequisites of each wholesome component as showed in Table 2: Required dietary component aggregate and day by day necessities Calories Not in excess of 2,700 calories Carbohydrates Not in excess of 300 grams Protein Not under 250 grams Vitamins Not under 60 units Table 2 The medical attendant has four fundamental sorts to utilize when arranging the menus. The units of nourishing component per unit of food type are appeared in Table 3 underneath. Note that the expense related with a unit of fixing likewise shows up at the base of Table 3.Required healthful component and units of nourishing components per unit of food type Element Milk Chicken Bread Vegetables Calories 160 210 120 150 Carbohydrates 110 130 110 120 Protein 90 190 90 130 Vitamins 50 75 70 Cost for each unit ?0. 42 ?0. 68 ?0. 32 ?0. 17 Table 3 Moreover, because of dietary limitations, the accompanying perspectives ought to likewise be viewed as when building up the eating routine arrangement: 1. The chicken food type ought to contribute all things considered 25% of the complete caloric admission that will result from the eating routine arrangement. 2. The vegetable food type ought to give at any rate 30% of the base every day necessities for vitamins.Complete the accompanying: Provide a direct programming definition for the above case. (You don't have to tackle the issue. ) 11/04/2013 9:52 AM Untitled Document 3 of 4 https://elearning. uol. ohecampus. com/bbcswebdav/establishment/UKL1/C†¦ Save your Assignment as a . doc, . docx, or . rtf document and utilize the Turnitin interface underneath to submit it. Come back to top INDIVIDUAL PROJECT T he motivation behind this recreation venture is to give you a chance to utilize the POM-QM for Windows programming to tackle a direct programming issue and perform affectability analysis.POM-QM for Windows programming For this piece of this task, you should utilize the POM programming: 1. Peruse Appendix IV of the O perations Management (Heizer and Render, 2011) course book. 2. Introduce and dispatch the POM-QM for Windows programming and from the primary menu select Module, and afterward Linear Programming. Note: You can recover the P OM-QM for Windows programming from either the CD-ROM that went with your Heizer and Render (2011) course reading. 3. Program the straight programming detailing for the issue underneath and explain it with the utilization of POM. Allude to Appendix IV from the Heizer and Render (2011) course reading. ) Note: Do not program the non-cynicism requirement, as this is now accepted by the product. For extra help, if you don't mind reference the POM-QM for Windows manual gave in this week’s Learning Resources. Singular Project issue A firm uses three machines in the assembling of three items: Each unit of item 1 requires three hours on machine 1, two hours on machine 2 and one hour on machine 3.Each unit of item 2 requires four hours on machine 1, one hour on machine 2 and three hours on machine 3. Every unit of item 3 requires two hours on machine 1, two hours on machine 2 and two hours on machine 3. The commitment edge of the three items is ? 30, ? 40 and ? 35 for every unit, separ ately. Accessible for booking are: 90 hours of machine 1 time; 54 hours of machine 2 time; and 93 hours of machine 3 time. The direct programming plan of this issue is as per the following: Maximize Z = 30X1 + 40X2 + 35X3 3X1 + 4X2 + 2X3

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